Is it broken?: If your keyboard/mouse will not connect via Bluetooth, or appears completely unresponsive, then the following instructions may help you resolve the issue. Follow the instructions here to disable Mouse Keys. Mouse Keys: If your keyboard is not responding to alpha-numeric keys (letters and numbers), and some keys cause the on-screen cursor to move, then you have inadvertently enabled the Mouse Keys Accessibility feature. I’ve tried to expand this article over time to include any other suggestions that might help. I really appreciate all the feedback I get, even when it doesn’t solve your problem. press on and off, rather than a physical slide switch). The following mentions the keyboard, but it should work for other wireless devices that have a on/off switch of the momentary contact type (i.e. If you are having problems with getting an Apple Wireless Bluetooth keyboard, mouse or trackpad from connecting to your Mac (iMac, Macbook or Mac Pro), you can try this trick.

The following instructions are fairly generic, but were written relating to the “Apple Wireless Keyboard” from 20 ( Use this to help you identify your model). It wouldn’t surprise me if Apple has different revisions or regional variants that use different switches, so this might not be universal, hence the variation in some of the comments. I’d quite like to understand that better, if you care to comment on your experience that will help me improve this article. Holding a switch with your finger that stays in position without your finger isn’t likely having any effect on how the keyboard works – unless of course it has a finger or pressure sensor embedded.

If its the former, the instructions below for holding the power switch in the on position likely will work, but some people seem to have confirmed it, if its the latter, then probably not.

From comments, its not clear if this new design is a momentary contact switch (you slide it and it returns to the neutral position itself), or it locks into the on position, and must be manually moved back to the off position. Apple Magic Keyboard: Apple revamped the bluetooth keyboard and rebranded it ‘Apple Magic Keyboard’ in 2015, and they changed the power switch from a circular ‘momentary’ contact switch on the edge of the keyboard to a losenged shaped slide switch on the back edge.